Friday 20 February 2009

who CARES about Harper !?

Up, Down.

Barack Obama, Michaëlle JeanBarack Obama, Michaëlle JeanBarack Obama, Michaëlle Jean

Barack knows how to make a pretty woman laugh, really laugh!

Barack Obama, Michaëlle Jean
(photos from Daylife)

While Harper, the weasel, invents self-serving fictions: "Perhaps to flatter the President, Mr. Harper invented a most extraordinary justification for Canada's record as the country whose emissions have grown the fastest among advanced industrialized countries.

It was hard, Mr. Harper said yesterday, to make progress in Canada when no willing partner existed in the United States. It turns out by this twisting of history that Canada's terrible record was the fault of Mr. Obama's predecessor, George Bush. Hello?

Emissions actually grew faster in Canada than in the U.S. under Mr. Bush. Canada signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol on climate change; the U.S. did not but still had a slightly better record than Canada."

from Obama's élan, and some trumped up ‘clean energy dialogue', Jeffrey Simpson in the Globe.


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