Wednesday 29 May 2013

Occupation of Belo Monte de novo.

See previous post on May 2 occupation.                                                                             Up, Down. 

Philip Glass Metamorphosis.Philip Glass Metamorphosis.Philip Glass Metamorphosis.
The news is posted on Ocupação Belo Monte first, with English translation of important documents. More English coverage at Huff Post.The works were re-occupied on the 27th. The government threatened force after a 24 hour grace period which has expired with no indications yet that they have carried out the threat.
Meanwhile the suits at the International Hydropower Association, bankers and developers (Scheisskopfs & Minderbinders) have wrapped up their UN conference in Sarawak, stating, "... energy is the only proven path to growth ..." There will be no more growth so flapping your fat lips over prosperity, sustainability and flourishing coupled with growth is utter nonsense and you know it.
[ See Psalms 12:3, 17:10, & 31:18.]
Esteja bem companheiros e companheiras.

 ¿por qué estamos indignados? 
"This is not an ideological revolution. It is driven by an authentic desire to get what you need."

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