Saturday 27 April 2013


(A-and good news from Tim DeChristopher too - below.)                            Up, Down.                   Good News!   
I got this yesterday (by email) from the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition: It's Time to Wake Up Canada! You can visit their website to Sign Up NOW! as the banner urges you to do; and there is a Facebook page. [you may note that there has never been a link to Facebook previously on this blog if that means anything.]
Wake Up Canada!Wake Up Canada!Wake Up Canada!
What can be done to support them in this excellent endeavour? 
The email mentions Melina Laboucan-Massimo and Sam Harrison - you might want to get to know them a little better:
Melina Laboucan-Massimo.Melina Laboucan-Massimo with George Poitras & David Schindler.Sam Harrison at JRP in 2013.Sam Harrison at JRP in 2013.
A video of Sam Harrison at the JRP earlier this year; and a transcript. He is quite a remarkable 16 year old.

A video of Melina Laboucan-Massimo speaking briefly about the tar sands & Keystone; and speaking at the rally in Victoria in October 2012.

There were more than 8,000 Ontario high school students at the WFCU Centre in Windsor on Wednesday to kick it off - that's what 8,000 people look like:
Wake Up Canada David Suzuki April 25 2013.Wake Up Canada David Suzuki April 25 2013.Wake Up Canada David Suzuki April 25 2013.Wake Up Canada David Suzuki April 25 2013.
You can see a few minutes of the event here; and a report in the local newspaper: Suzuki rallies local students to fix the environment. 
We know some of these courageous young people already. The brave souls who turned their backs on Peter Kent in Durban; the beautiful (and tiny) young woman who held up her STOP HARPER! sign in the House of Commons:
CYD in Durban 2010.CYD in Durban 2010.Brigette DePape in the House of Commons 2011.
There are many more - and they are showing us the way. I am also thinking of the kids in Waglisla in April fasting to protest the JRP hearings there (see these short videos: Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3).

We must do all that we can do to help prepare them and ourselves to WAKE CANADA UP on May 30th. It's Lucky '13, yes!

God bless 'em!
[And I don't say that very often anymore either.]

Be well. 
Tim DeChristopher.Tim DeChristopher on Earth Day in Salt Lake City.This seems too important to save:

Tim DeChristopher's speech at Powershift 2011 is an inspiration to me - that the movement is broken and must be fixed and indeed can easily be fixed when the will arrives.

He was released from prison the day before Earth Day and gave this interview.
Tim DeChristopher on Earth Day in Salt Lake City.Tim DeChristopher on Earth Day in Salt Lake City.[I don't appreciate Democracy Now very much so it is a 3/4 excerpt of this - the rudeness in the closing is still evident.]

A movie, Bidder 70 is now available; the trailer looks good; for some reason the website is slow to answer (?) but perseverance eventually took me there to buy a copy; the movie was streamed on Earth Day apparently but I didn't know about it.

This 'not knowing' is worthy of comment since it seems to me to be one of the major deficits of the 'movement'. The Internet is mostly compost but it IS good for communication particularly through email - so why didn't I know? I'll leave it with you.

A possibly useful link to Peaceful Uprising.

I am some glad to see him out (some is a modifier used in certain maritime dialects to indicate really-really-REALLY). Yes sir! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi David,
    Thanks for this post about Bidder &). as you rightly said, the internet is so fully of information that right info rarely reaches the right audience!
