Saturday 16 February 2013

Marina Silva - Rede Sustentabilidade.

Ordem e Progresso (e Amor).                                                                                 Up, Down.                       Good News! 
Marina Silva.Marina Silva - Rede Sustentabilidade.Marina Silva - Rede Sustentabilidade.
Marina Silva's invitation to the encontro Rede Pró-Partido (with English subtitles). Registration closed on the 13th and I saw it too late to find out if people outside Brazil could sign up. There is quite lot in this short video if you watch and listen carefully.

The Rede Pró Partido meeting took place today. 'Rede Pró Partido' is an interesting phrase - 'Pró' means 'in favour of' or 'towards' - hints of Diogenes and a lantern.

The new party will be called 'Rede Sustentabilidade' / 'Sustainability Network' (Globo). Let's see if these Brazilians can actually build a functioning network ... I bet they can.   Ahh, I love that word guerreira!
Marina Silva - Guerreira da Sustentabilidade.Marina Silva - Guerreira da Sustentabilidade.
Marina Silva - Rede Sustentabilidade.Marina Silva & Heloísa Helena - Rede Sustentabilidade.Marina Silva - Rede Sustentabilidade.Marina Silva - Rede Sustentabilidade.
[The first Canadian coverage I saw is in the Edmonton Journal of all places. The English Wikipedia has not caught up, but the Portuguese one more-or-less: Marina Silva, and co-founder Heloísa Helena.] 

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