Sunday 16 May 2010

all good - done like dinner.

Inco striker, Sudbury.Feyenoord.Ken Kesey, Sometimes A Great Notion.orthodoxhydooraki

Done! (not), Down.

Wintertime is comin' babe -
The windows are filled with frost.
I ran to tell every body
But I just could not get across.

"No orgiastic or erotic effect issues from this propinquity."

"Alchemists held the heretical notion that sexual duality was at the bottom of the creation and evolution of this world."

"Uma mistura de cores, ritmos, crenças, sotaques e culturas se encontraram na celebração de abertura do III Congresso Nacional da Comissão Pastoral da Terra, na noite da última segunda-feira (17/05), no Colégio São José, Marista, em Montes Claros (MG)."

"These women aren't nude, they're wearing us."

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