Sunday 24 May 2009

Sunday Meditation - Abishag & Oxum

Up, Down.

i have no very good idea of what any of this is about but i have come across these things which seem to touch me and maybe my contribution will just be to organize a bit and present it in a more approachable format ...

Grandpa died last week and now he's buried in the rocks,
And everyone still talks about how badly they were shocked.
But me, I expected it to happen, I knew he'd lost control
When he, built a fire on Main Street and shot it full of holes.

        Bob Dylan, Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again, 1966.

Dieter Ruckhaberlethe first four verses of 1 Kings are the nut of the story, the dying king, the end of a cycle and maybe the beginning of the next, more a spiral than a rigorous cycle of course: O Velhice de Davi / Abishag & King David, Dieter Ruckhaberle did two series of images & text around it: a draft at Skizzen / Sketches, comprising 8 images on 10 pages (2 repeated), and a series of 24 panels at Abisag von Sunem und der König David / Abisag de Sunem o Rei Davi, taking the story from Bathsheba to the grave, seems to be slightly more than the 4 verses, and he has taken the portugese text from a different translation, ok
1 Reis Capítulo 1 1 Kings Chapter 1
Ora, o rei Davi era já velho, de idade mui avançada; e por mais que o cobrissem de roupas não se aquecia. Disseram-lhe, pois, os seus servos: Busque-se para o rei meu senhor uma jovem donzela, que esteja perante o rei, e tenha cuidado dele; e durma no seu seio, para que o rei meu senhor se aqueça. Assim buscaram por todos os termos de Israel uma jovem formosa; e acharam Abisague, a sunamita, e a trouxeram ao rei. Era a jovem sobremaneira formosa; e cuidava do rei, e o servia; porém o rei não a conheceu. Now king David was old and stricken in years; and they covered him with clothes, but he gat no heat. Wherefore his servants said unto him, let there be sought for my lord the king a young virgin: and let her stand before the king, and let her cherish him, and let her lie in thy bosom, that my lord the king may get heat. So they sought for a fair damsel throughout all the coasts of Israel, and found Abishag a Shunammite, and brought her to the king. And the damsel was very fair, and cherished the king, and ministered to him: but the king knew her not.

1. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague2. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague3. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague4. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague5. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague6. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague7. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague8. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague9. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague10. Abishag, Abisag, Abisague

Abisag 1: Bath-SebaAbisag 2: Tod des UriaAbisag 2a: AbsalomAbisag 3: David friertAbisag 4: Casting für DavidAbisag 5: Der erste TagAbisag 6: Erste NachtAbisag 7: Der andere TagAbisag 8: Die andere NachtAbisag 9: 3 TagAbisag 10: 3 NachtAbisag 11: Der vierte TagAbisag 12: Die vierte NachtAbisag 13: Der fünfte TagAbisag 14: Die fünfte NachtAbisag 15: Der sechste TagAbisag 16: Die sechste NachtAbisag 17: Der siebte TagAbisag 18: Die siebte NachtAbisag 19: Fest des AdoniaAbisag 20: SalomonAbisag 21: Tod des DavidAbisag 22: Beerdigung des DavidsAbisag 23: Tod des Adonia

some of it seems too trite; casting in #4, playing checkers in #18, i will have to see about translating the German, suddenly i am afraid the artist will be hurt by what i have done and object, who can say? maybe he will google one day and find it and tell me

i posted about Oxum once a while ago: It's over, it ain't goin' any further, about mermaids and such, there is much conflicting information about Oxum, many different names, as there should be about a beautiful woman, much of the confusion comes from so many candomblé adherents being illiterate, analfabeto, but this should never be mistaken for ignorance, traditions mix as well, Yoruba mixes with Catholic in Brasil and as communication (of a sort) increases via the internet there is mixing with Cuba and other places, here are the images and an Oxum legend which i included there:

Oxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, Oshun
Lenda de Oxum:
Havia na África um país muito rico chamado Ijexá, governado por uma linda rainha-deusa chamada Oxum. Ijexá era um país harmonioso. Nele tudo era belo e perfumado; e no ar ouviam-se música que nunca se sabia de onde vinha.

Certo dia, as damas de honra da rainha-deusa entraram em seu palácio aos gritos e prantos, dizendo que Ijexá seria atacada pelo temível guerreiro rei de Oyó, que soltava fogo pela boca e pelas narinas. Esse guerreiro era Xangô. Oxum não possuía exércitos, e os poucos guerreiros que possuía lidavam com a caça e a pesca para alimentar o povo de Ijexá. Primeiramente, Oxum tratou de acalmar seu povo.

Astuta e grande estrategista que era, tinha um grande poder que somente poucos conheciam; o dom do oráculo. Através do jogo dos caurís (búzios) ela descobriu que Xangô tinha um ponto fraco: uma paixão arrebatadora por mulheres lindas e sensuais.

Então, antes que Xangô invadisse Ijexá e a destruísse, Oxum foi encontrá-lo para tentar dissuadi-lo da invasão de seu reino. Vestida em traje amarelo-ouro e azul, enfrentou o poderoso guerreiro usando a arma da sedução. Ao deparar com mulher tão linda e irresistível, tão tranqüila e tão segura de si, Xangô não resistiu aos seus encantos. Louco de paixão, caiu-lhe aos pés implorando por seu amor. Oxum, dona da situação, como prova de amor, pediu a Xangô a acompanhasse ao seu palácio em Ijexá, mas ele teria que entrar na cidade sentado aos seus pés.

E assim foi feito. Oxum vitoriosa retorna à Ijexá trazendo o temível guerreiro lançador de fogo, raios e pedras aos seus pés. A estratégia do amor venceu a ira implacável do poderoso guerreiro. E enquanto as águas correrem sobre as pedras e elas estiverem submersas nas plácidas águas do rio, Ijexá estará a salvo, pois Xangô estará prisioneiro do amor de Oxum.

E como sabemos não há prisão mais doce e poderosa que o amor, pois entrasse nela e não se que mais sair.
 A legend of Oxum:
In Africa there was a very rich country called Ijexá, ruled by a beautiful queen/goddess named Oxum. Ijexá was a harmonious country. Everything in it was beautiful and perfumed; and on the air you would hear music without ever knowing whence it came.

One day, the ladies of honour of the queen/goddess came into her palace with screams and weeping, saying that Ijexá would be attacked by the fearsome warrior king of Oyó, who breathed fire through his mouth and nostrils. This warrior was Xangô. Oxum did not have armies, and the few warriors that she had were leaders in hunting and fishing to feed the people of Ijexá. First of all, Oxum tried to calm her people.

Wise and great strategist that she was, she had a great power that only a few knew about; the gift of foreknowledge. Through a game of shells she discovered that Xangô had a weak point: a ravishing passion for beautiful and sensuous women.

So, before Xangô could invade Ijexá and destroy it, Oxum went to meet him to try to dissuade him from invading her kingdom. Dressed in golden-yellow and blue clothing, she opposed the powerful warrior using the weapon of seduction. Coming across a woman so beautiful and irresistable, so calm and so self possessed, Xangô could not resist her charms. Mad with passion, he threw himself at her feet begging for her love. Oxum, mistress of the situation, as proof of his love, asked Xangô to go with her to her palace in Ijexá, but he had to enter the city sitting at her feet.

And so it was done. Oxum returned victorious to Ijexá bringing the fearsome warrior and thrower of fire lightning and stones, at her feet. The strategy of love overcame the implacable anger of the powerful warrior. And while water flowed over the stones and they were submerged in the calm waters of the river, Ijexá would be saved, because Xangô would be the prisoner of Oxum's love.

And as we know there is no prison more sweet and powerful than love, only enter it and you may never leave.

there is more of course, as usual i expend all of my energy on trying to make things neat, don't even succeed at that except to become more accustomed to the limitations of HTML and the whole apparatus, and in the end do not tell the story i wanted to tell

smoking again, third pack bought this morning across the street and almost half-gone already, and sore lungs again, and bad arthritis in the night, ai ai ai, pure deathwish, it's like this you see - a specific connection through my name to the Abishag story, which came first the myth or the reality? and as long as you are indulging myth why not entertain a delightful goddess as well, Oxum governing (in my mind at least) rivers, sexiness, waterfalls, social know-how, and motherhood ... something like that.

Oxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, OshunOxum, Oshum, Oshun

Mulher vaidosa e muito bonita, representa a fertilidade e o amor, foi a esposa preferida de Xangô, filha de Iemanjá e Orunmilá, sua formosura denota uma mulher bela e frágil, mas se engana quem pensa assim, ela consegue tudo o que quer com seu poder de sedução. Habita os rios, representa a água doce e o ouro. Oxum deitou-se com Exu para conhecer os segredos dos Búzios. Sua cor é dourado e amarelo. Seu número é o 5 e seu símbolo é o espelho leque.

(fonte de imagem da jóia de Oxum)


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