Thursday 23 April 2009

Honourable Mounties Breaking Ranks - Hallelujah!

Up, Down, In This Thread.

Al Clark:
RCMP, Al ClarkRCMP, Al ClarkRCMP, Al Clark"The RCMP, in my opinion, are more concerned with their corporate image, their public image, than looking after their own people and sometimes the guys that are out there every day doing the job are left floating on an island."

"What did the outfit or the RCMP do from the time that he left Merritt to help him?"

"What they do often is they just, rather than addresss a issue they move the issue ... I didn't think these people should be members of the Force."

Tunney Moriarity:
RCMP, Tunney MoriarityRCMP, Tunney MoriarityRCMP, Tunney MoriarityRCMP, Tunney MoriarityRCMP, Tunney Moriarity"I was embarrassed to call myself a member."

"They got caught in a lie. ... They got caught in their own lie, and now they just don't know what to do with it. They came back and said that they had followed the policy of the Force. If that is the policy of the Force then I will say the people of Canada have one big problem."

"They shoud be charged with an offence of criminal negligence causing death."

(Images and quotations from Insiders Perspective, CBC Video by Terry Milewski.)

Ron Lewis:
RCMP, Ron LewisRCMP, Ron LewisRCMP, Ron LewisRCMP, Ron Lewis

This Is Not The RCMP I Joined, The RCMP Pension and Insurance Scandal by Ron Lewis at GSPH, General Store Publishing House.

I have ordered a copy and will report when I have read it.


1 comment:

  1. Honorable and Al Clark don't go together.
